Monday, January 30, 2012

Dear weird day: Glad you are ending. Please be less weird tomorrow. Thanks!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Roger Moore was the worst actor to play James Bond EVAH!! How he lasted so long is a mystery for the ages. whoswithme fightingwords ?
And the 70's parade on this channel continues...right down to the ugh-erific Roger Moore early James Bond films
I swear these acts are straight off of the Love Boat's lounge. With an occasional David Guetta remix. Or something.
I wonder if anyone on this Bavarian variety show I'm watching knows that the 70's are OVER!?!!??!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Another end of another day, another couple of Euros earned, some more time on my couch with my drinkie deserved.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy Epiphany, peeps. Yes, it's a holiday here. Finishing up my cuppa before I sweep, shower, then head to Uncle-in-law's for dinner.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Fill in the blank: Everyday I'm __ufflin'.
Dear 2011, you were a bain of my existence, a gash on my side, a harsh on my mellow.Here's to the boot the world has put to your backside.